Middle House
We create films that are for the adventurous who feel alive. Those that are so in love with each other they can hardly stand still. They love to travel, to explore, to find the light in life. Without each other, life would be lost. These are the films we create.
These are just some of the amazing films we’ve had the privilege to capture.

Corey + Lindsey
This beautiful and intimate elopement was captured in the gorgeous Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Much like many others in 2022 Corey and Lindsey chose to elope to Colorado and it was definitely the right choice. Their elopement was everything we could have hoped for. Their love for each other feels cosmic and pure, they poured their hearts out in their vows to each other and their close loved ones. Having this video to show to all of the ones that couldn't make it to their wedding is exactly why we do what we do.

Paige + Amber
This wedding was filmed in the beautiful city of New York. This young couple had a beautiful and intimate wedding with their close friends and family, their love for each other is truly stunning.

Zackary + Makenzie
Ryan and Molly had their wedding at a true gem of a venue in Kansas, they had a multi cultural wedding to respect and honor their mission work in India where they both live full time. Hearing their vows will show you just how much they love each other.

Kobe + Macy
This gorgeous and emotional wedding was filmed in Wichita Kansas. This wedding film shows how much family can bring you together and how much love this family had for each other.